Jogging with sledgehammers in hand might sound bizarre, but in Minneapolis, it’s a Saturday morning tradition. Members of Run N Plunge, a winter run club hosted by local sauna club Embrace North, gather each week to begin their day with a frigid dip in the Mississippi River, using their sledgehammers to break through the solid layer of ice covering the water.
@mark.dowdleruns #runningtips #running #runners #runeveryday #winterrunning #polarplunge #coldplungechallenge #minnesotawinter ♬ original sound – teeharpo
At 8 a.m. each Saturday morning, the club members bundle up for their three-mile run through the city along the river’s edge. Once they reach the riverbank, the group strips out of their warm winter running clothes, revealing their shorts or swimsuits. After smashing the top layer of ice, athletes slip into the makeshift ice bath, sitting in the frigid water for two minutes.
“The water is so cold, it’ll shock your system,” says Mark Dowdle, a member of Run N Plunge and content creator. On TikTok, Dowdle insists the club is the most extreme run club in the country. “It’s an all-out sprint back to the saunas at Embrace North,” Dowdle adds.
Minneapolis is considered the coldest major city in the U.S., with snowy days often plunging to -14 C.
The runners combine this bone-chilling river dip with sauna heat, mimicking the effects of contrast therapy. Alternating between extreme cold and heat can improve circulation, accelerate muscle recovery, and reduce pain, fatigue and inflammation. The method is popular among athletes dealing with delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) after intense workouts.
But the challenge isn’t without risks–ice baths are often said to shut the body down. Athletes in the club may experience stiff joints and tight muscles after the polar plunge, making it difficult to complete the run–especially if pushing the pace to escape the cold. Like any sport, abruptly returning to activity without fully warming up again can increase the risk of injury.
If you’re considering a similar routine, be sure to take precautions and listen to your body. Happy clubbing!