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HomeWhole FoodsThreefold Transformation - Head, Heart and Will

Threefold Transformation – Head, Heart and Will

The following is an excerpt from our unreleased book, co-authored by in-house doctor, Manish Chandra. Enjoy!


Being at cause to our experiences creates a fundamental shift in consciousness.

We move our viewpoint from effect (body, emotions and mind) back to Spirit (cause) – from identification with the physical to identity with Spirit.

Self-determination, self-reliance and self-authority arise from the awareness that we create our own reality and can take response-ability for it. Peace and serenity are the experience of the recovery of response-ability for one’s creations (wisdom). 

Experiencing self-determination (causative living) involves bringing our attention from the events we experience to our perception of them.


“There is light that shines beyond all things on earth, beyond the highest, the very highest heavens. This is the light that shines in your Heart.”

Chandogya Upanishad

Accessing the wisdom of the heart births the guidance from within. This guidance enables us to live our truths in accordance with universal order and in harmony with nature. Perceiving through the heart opens the door to intuition, cooperation and heightens our collective awareness and creativity. All real power comes from within. There exists unlimited power in opening one’s Heart to the interconnectedness of all things. The heart is the source of our sense of timing. It is the source of the intuitive and creative impulse. Heart knows what is true. The heart is our doorway to essence and the soul that transcends time and space.

Attention is our primary resource.

Will is direction of attention.

When attention is not directed by will, it behaves in response to the environment or according to past patterns. We develop out will when we…

  • deliberately choose
  • act with purposefulness
  • engage with self-discipline
  • are aware our intentions

Will can serve as a bridge between the physical and the mental.

To experience the effect that the will can have on one’s mental state via a deliberate physical action.

Here are a few exercises you can try. Their aim is to develop the ability or will to direct your attention wholeheartedly. You may experience a deeper sense of self, more personal power and internal stability.  

  • Smile, and observe how it affects your mood.
  • Think, “I intend to feel happy and joyful…I can feel deeply happy.”

Here’s another exercise to try:

Watch the clock and for 2 minutes keep your attention on the breath. Breathe into the heart and out of the heart. Any time your attention wanders, bring it back to the breath. If you have trouble doing this you may choose to use a stationary object. 

Light a candle and place it at eye level just about 15 inches away.

Phase I – Try for 2 minutes, to focus your attention as arising from your heart on the tip of the flame without loosing your attention. Bring your focus back to this point if your attention wanders.

After you have developed this ability, try picking a mental image or using an inner image to direct your attention to. Try to develop each of these stages for the same two minute interval.

Phase II – Close your eyes and focus on the inner light and maintain your focus on this inner object of concentration.

Phase III – Open your eyes and maintain attention on the inner light while you continue to focus simultaneously on the outer focus of the flame tip.

Awakening the will to live deliberately from the heart is a process. For many just the remembrance of the power of our hearts and the possibility of deliberate living begins to awaken us from slumber. Others prefer to remain asleep.




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