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HomeNutritionTop 10 Cherry Tomato Nutrition facts and Health benefits

Top 10 Cherry Tomato Nutrition facts and Health benefits

Selection and Storage

Fresh cherry tomatoes are available year-round in supermarkets and grocery stores. When selecting them, opt for bright, intact tomatoes without cracks or wrinkles, which should feel firm but yield slightly to pressure. Avoid soft, spotted, or damaged ones.

At room temperature, fresh cherry tomatoes will keep well for 2-3 days when stored away from sunlight. Refrain from washing them until just before use. If not consumed immediately, store them in the fridge to extend their shelf life. For enhanced flavor and a richer taste, allow them to sit at room temperature for approximately 30 minutes before eating.

Preparation and Serving methods

Rinse the cherry tomatoes in cold water and pat them dry using a paper towel. Then, remove the caps.

To prepare them, take off the top calyx (caps). Unlike with larger tomato varieties, many people prefer using whole cherry tomatoes in dishes and salads. However, if you prefer them sliced, you can cut them into halves or cubes.

cherry tomatoes-quiche
Quiche-cherry tomatoes, spinach and and goat cheese.
Courtesy: Saraha & Jason

Here are some serving tips:

  • Cherry tomatoes are generally preferred in salads and gentle stir-fries, especially in Mediterranean, Greek, and Italian cuisines.

  • Cherry tomatoes can be eaten raw or cooked. When raw, ripe cherries can be enjoyed out of hand, similar to table grapes.

  • Cherry tomatoes dressed with vinaigrette are relished in hors d’oeuvre (appetizers) and sandwiches.

  • They can make dishes look vibrant, and chefs always prefer to add them for special decorative effects.

  • They complement other vegetables well, such as brussel sprouts, olives, bell peppers, and eggplant.

  • They are also a perfect accompaniment to fish, beef, chicken, veal, or eggs.

  • Popular as pomodoro ciliegino, cherries are commonly featured in pizzas, quiches, tarts, and salads in Italian cuisine.

Safety Profile

Allergy or hypersensitivity reactions to cherry tomatoes are relatively rare, but they may occur in sensitive individuals, manifesting symptoms such as itching skin and eyes, a runny nose, and gastrointestinal disturbances like stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Medical Disclaimer– for more information.

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≻≻-Tomato Nutrition facts and health benefits.

≻≻-Back to Vegetables from Cherry Tomatoes. Visit here for an impressive list of vegetables with complete illustrations of their nutrition facts and health benefits.

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Further reading:

  1. Department of Horticulture- Purdue University Cooperative extension service. (Link opens in new window).

  2. USDA National Nutrient Database.

  3. Lycopene extract.



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