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HomeRunningTroubleshooting on the Run, Part One – iRunFar

Troubleshooting on the Run, Part One – iRunFar

Races rarely go according to plan. No matter how much we prepare for our next event, there will undoubtedly be some unexpected hurdles. The longer the race, the greater the chance of mishap. I’ve certainly had my share of trailside glitches, as have many of the athletes I work with. Below are some of the more common issues we’ve faced and some safe and sensible solutions, including:

[Editor’s Note: This is the first in a three-part series. Here are part two and part three.]

Katharina Hartmuth - 2023 Trail World Championships 80k - running at 24k

From the front of the pack to the back, troubleshooting is part of the ultrarunning game. Photo: iRunFar/Bryon Powell

The Rebellious Stomach

A rebellious stomach is perhaps the most ubiquitous race-day malady and cause of most ultramarathon DNFs. Once your stomach starts going south, it’s hard to take in enough calories to fuel the effort. As a result, the pace slows drastically and motivation typically evaporates.

  • We can usually blame nausea on hydration and electrolyte imbalances. Karl King, the President of SUCCEED! Sportsdrink, has developed a wonderful Water/Electrolyte Balance Table. Use this table to determine where you are coming up short on race day so you can alter your intake accordingly.
  • High altitude can destroy what is usually a sound hydration and nutrition regime at sea level. At oxygen-poor elevations, slowing your pace and eating smaller portions may fend off queasiness. For races with course profiles similar to the Leadville 100 Mile and Hardrock 100, your stomach should settle on the descents that follow the high peak and pass crossings.
  • Be wary of spoiled drink mixes and food products. Mix powders only when needed and keep opened nutritional products refrigerated or on ice. If you’re using drop bags, make sure they contain only those provisions that won’t spoil if left exposed to the heat and sun.
  • Food allergies are common. Check the ingredients of the products you use against known food groups that irritate your gut.
  • Medications and dietary supplements can affect the digestive system. Ask a specialist about any pharmaceutical effects on nutritional uptake.
Anne-Lise Rousset - 2023 Hardrock 100 - Maggie Gulch

Running under control can help prevent nausea at high-altitude races. Photo: iRunFar/Eszter Horanyi

Dizziness and Weakness

Nothing can be more frustrating than a weakening stride or more frightening than inexplicably losing your sense of balance while on the trail.

  • Again, refer to King’s table. Are you drinking enough and how’s your electrolyte intake?
  • Are you racing in the mountains and not acclimated? Altitude sickness may be the culprit. If the symptoms are accelerating, sit down and allow your body to recuperate or ask a passing runner to send back help from the next aid station.
  • You could be experiencing the legendary bonk. How is your fueling? Slow down and get some calories in quickly. Simpler carbohydrates, like maltodextrin (the main ingredient in most gels and sports drinks), will snap you out of it quickly. A cup of soda, if available, will do the trick too. Be sure to continue to fuel properly to prevent the bonk from rearing its ugly head again later in the event.


Things are going well and then suddenly your hamstring, quad, calf, or foot clamps down involuntarily. Runners have been brought to the ground mid-stride because of violent cramping.  See Joe Uhan’s comprehensive iRunFar article Cramping My Style. More specifically, read Uhan’s seven strategies noted at the end of his piece under “The List: Strategies to Treat and Prevent Muscle Cramping in Training and Racing” in order to prevent and overcome cramping during your next race.

2023 San Juan Solstice 50 mile - 2 runners on ridge

Taking care of yourself is a crucial element of running an ultramarathon. Photo: iRunFar/Bryon Powell

Illness Before Race Day

Getting sick ahead of one’s race is a common occurrence. We’ve spent countless hours of training and money on race entry and travel only to become sick a week or two before our competition. Do we still go for it?

  • The number-one priority is to use the time you have before race day to recuperate from your compromised health. A week or two of missed running will not significantly affect your race, but showing up sick certainly will. Don’t try to train through a fever. The strength, speed, and conditioning you’ve gained over the prior months will not suddenly disappear. Use the tricks and guidelines in my Running and Recovery article to help get the upper hand on your ailment.
  • If you wind up on antibiotics, make sure you’ve completed the full course at least one week before race day. Your body is working double time to fight off infection. Competing while on antibiotics spells disaster. It will leave you weak and can lead to stomach issues, dehydration, and, depending on the antibiotic, heart problems.
  • If the bug you contracted affected your ability to eat and drink, understand that you will start your race at a disadvantage. Your fuel stores will likely be depleted at the start line. Rectify this by slowing your pace and eating more on race day.

Leg Soreness

It’s not a question of if, but rather a question of when your legs will get sore during an ultra. Most ultrarunners have experienced at least one excruciating case of “quad lock” during a race.  How can the same athlete be crippled by muscle damage during one event and fine at the next?

Unexpected Race-Day Weather

It’s Murphy’s Law. The year you decide to run an event, it’ll be the hottest, windiest, coldest, wettest, iciest, smokiest, or snowiest on record. What can we do to counteract the fact that we’ve trained in an appropriate climate for the event, but race-day conditions are record-breaking?

Tyler Green - 2021 Western States 100 - Rucky Chucky

Tyler Green cooling off in the American River at mile 78, on his way to taking second at the 2021 Western States 100. Photo: iRunFar / Bryon Powell

Getting Lost

Next to your stomach going south, getting disoriented or veering off course can fill even the most experienced trail runner with fear and dread. Your due diligence begins well before race day, much like your training. Here are a few things you can do in advance to lessen your chances of getting lost.

  • Attend any pre-race briefings by race management. It is during these meetings that vital last-minute course alterations will be revealed. Examples of course markings are often displayed, so you’ll know what to look for on the course.
  • Carry a map, use an app like Avenza or Gaia GPS with the course route, or familiarize yourself (virtually or in person) with the course layout. Be aware of key landmarks, turns, climbs, descents, and distances between aid stations.
  • Never assume that the runners in front of you know the way. Don’t watch their back, instead watch for course markings and turns.

However, if you do find yourself off course:

  • Do not panic or get angry. You’re going to need this energy to get yourself back on track.
  • Retrace your steps. Do not leave the trail or road you’re on by taking a cross-country route. You may quickly find yourself surrounded by unfriendly vegetation and terrain or even more lost. Follow your own footprints back from where you came until you come upon course markings or another runner.
  • Once you’re back on track, don’t try to make up for lost time by running too hard. Maintain a level head, goal race pace, and forward momentum. Lost time can’t be made up. Doing so will just leave you haggard and frustrated. Take comfort in the fact that you’re back on course!

[Editor’s Note: As one of iRunFar’s best training articles, we’ve worked with author Ian Torrence to update this article before resharing it.]

Call for Comments

  • How have you overcome problems like these?
  • Are there other race-day problems and solutions that you’d add to this list?



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