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HomeRunningVernan Kee and the Art of Running – iRunFar

Vernan Kee and the Art of Running – iRunFar

Meet Vernan Kee. I got to know Vernan on a photo shoot high in the San Juan Mountains of southern Colorado. Whether running, designing, or rescuing puppies, he is always out in nature, drawing inspiration for future projects. Take a look at his design work and perhaps you too will find some inspiration from Vernan.

Vernan Kee - dog and sunset

Vernan Kee’s love of dogs inspires both his running and his art. All photos courtesy of Vernan Kee.

What started you down the art track? How did you find your niche in graphic design?

I come from a family of creatives, so growing up it was inspiring to see different styles of art, such as Navajo rug weaving, beadwork, and painting. I grew up on the Navajo Nation with my grandmother, and one thing I would do was draw my surroundings on a small sketchbook. As a gift, I got a book called “How to Draw Animals,” and that helped me so much in my development as an artist. I found my niche in graphic design after the military when I went to art school in California.

And likewise with running and moving outside — when and where did that start? What motivates you to get outside today?

It started with my grandmother, who would wake me before the sun to run and bless ourselves with the sunrise. These days, I still wake up with the sun to run, but with my dogs for extra motivation.

Vernan Kee - running with dog

Vernan Kee running with his canine companion.

What, or who, inspires your work? And what, or who, inspires the way you move outside?

I get my inspiration from being outside and seeing details in nature like the lines in sandstone or the ridges of a mountain range.

How has landscape and where you’ve grown up and lived influenced you?

Being outside has always been my comfort zone and as a kid that is where my inspiration came from. I would sketch my surroundings under a juniper while watching grandma’s sheep. Now, I carry a small sketch pad and pencil in my backpack when outdoors.

Vernan Kee - sketching

Vernan Kee is never far from a sketchpad, to be ready when ideas present themselves.

If you could give advice to a young artist trying to make it their living, what would you say?

Don’t be intimidated to try something new.

As a creative, work and motivation ebbs and flows, how do you keep it going?

Don’t be in a rush. I take long breaks if needed to complete a design.

Do you have any favorite projects you’ve worked on? Are there projects that you are excited about for the next year?

I enjoy designing for the dog rescue my partner and I started. I use my art to raise funds to help dogs on the Navajo Nation. I’m excited to create more art for the rescue.

You also rescue puppies?! Tell us about that!

I thought running was my way of healing, but I realized it was dogs. When moving back to the Navajo Nation, my partner and I started a rescue for dogs and cats called RezRoads Rescue. It has been an amazing journey, and now I get to run with so many dogs.

Final random question that I ask everyone, if you could be a tree, what kind would you be?

Definitely a juniper tree.

Vernan Kee - RezRoads Rescue drawing

A drawing by Vernan Kee for RezRoads Rescue.

Call for Comments

  • Are you familiar with Vernan Kee? What’s your favorite of his works?
  • What other artists would you like to see interviewed here?



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