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HomeLow CarbWelcome to the Struggle Bus

Welcome to the Struggle Bus

It’s Day 3 of the 7 Day Beef and Butter Fast – and this is the worst day of them all, especially if you weren’t already in ketosis when you started. 😖 Hang in there though, it really does get better after today – so don’t give up! I’ve put together some practical tips to help you get past the Day 3 hurdle below. ⬇️

Beef & Butter Fast Day 3 - struggle bus edition graphic

🔥 Day 3: The Struggle is Real 🔥

The dreaded Day 3 of the 7 Day Beef and Butter Fast is no joke, but remember that you are not alone. This is the beef wall, and we are all climbing over it together—one butter-drenched bite at a time. 😅

Welcome to Day 3 – Emotional & Physical Breakdown Edition:

You may be experiencing one or all of the following symptoms:

  • Questioning your life choices – and everyone else’s. “Who even invented carbs, and why do they taste so good?”
  • Beef fatigue. “If I see one more ground beef crumble, I will cry real tears.”
  • Butter obsession. “Fighting a strong impulse to start hoarding butter at Costco like some people buy toilet paper, because I’m terrified that I won’t survive the week if I run out”
  • Extreme clarity. “I now fully understand why toddlers throw tantrums over food. I mean, I GET IT. 😭”
  • Mood swings you don’t recognize. “One minute I love beef, the next I want to fight it in a parking lot.”
  • Resentment toward non-fasters. “Oh, you’re just casually eating a salad? 🥗 Must be nice, Susan.”
  • Sudden, irrational cravings for foods you don’t even like. “I don’t even LIKE bran muffins, but if someone handed me one right now, I’d marry them.” 💘
  • The existential crisis of eating the same thing over and over. “Is this my life now? Am I just a person who eats beef and stares into the void?”
  • Unprovoked hostility toward innocent bystanders. “If (insert family member or lunchroom co-worker’s name here 😂) doesn’t stop chewing like a farm animal, I cannot be held responsible for my actions.”

THIS JUST IN: “Local Beef & Butter Faster Faces Charges After Butter Knife Incident—Claims Victim Was ‘Chewing Too Loudly’”

  • If you feel personally attacked by someone’s chewing today, you’re not alone.
  • If even thinking about another plain beef patty makes you want to cry, I see you.
  • If you’re considering filing a noise complaint against your spouse’s soup slurping, just know… it’s temporary.

Put down the butter knife. Walk away. No one needs to be explaining Day 3 beef rage in court.

All humor aside (ok not ALL of it, I am who I am), this Beef & Butter Fast, and especially Day 3, is really HARD! Remember to give yourself some grace and laugh about the struggle – so you can stay sane, not quit, and start seeing some amazing results!

The Good News?

This is temporary. Your body is adjusting, your energy will bounce back, and soon, you’ll be thriving on fat-fueled power. But for now?

🥩 Eat the beef.
🧈 Drown it in butter.
😤 Avoid humans.
🚫 And if someone chews near you—breathe. Prison food isn’t beef & butter compliant.

In spite of how lousy you might feel right now, remember that you’re not broken—you’re upgrading. 💪🏻🔥

🛠️ Practical Tips to Push Through it:

✅ Season like your life depends on it. Salt, smoked salt, truffle salt—possibly sneak in some paprika or rosemary. If you need to change it up a little to stay on this fast, a teaspoon of herbs is a small price to pay! Just don’t go overboard!
✅ Try different textures. Crunchy beef? Smashed burger? Butter-seared steak? If your brain is bored, trick it with a new take on beef.
✅ Hydrate & salt up. If you feel sluggish or cranky, you might just need electrolytes—add salt to water or sip some broth.

I used a little magnesium citrate powder and “nu salt” potassium in my water yesterday – my headache was gone in 20 minutes and I had a new lease on life. I also slept great last night! Don’t skip the electrolytes – you can avoid needless extra suffering (I mean we are suffering enough already. 😆)
✅ Don’t skimp on butter. More fat = more satiety = less whining (from you and your stomach). You may be able to cut back as the week goes on, but TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY.
✅ Visualize your success. Day 5 You is laughing at Day 3 You for being dramatic. Push through—victory is near.

Remember: You didn’t come this far just to quit before the benefits kick in. 

Stay strong – keep buttering. And if all else fails, season that beef like it owes you money. 🥩💰😂

How is your week going? Are you struggling yet, or is your body loving this transition so far? Let us know in the comments! 👇🏼

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