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HomeFitnessWhy Do I Feel Hungry All The Time?: HealthifyMe

Why Do I Feel Hungry All The Time?: HealthifyMe

The sensation of hunger is a natural signal from your body indicating the need for food. While most people can comfortably go several hours between meals without feeling hungry, exceptions exist. At times, hunger may strike even when there is no actual need for food or calories. In such instances, factors such as an inadequate diet, specific lifestyle habits, or medications can contribute to an unchecked increase in appetite. However, leptin resistance often emerges as a key causative factor.

Leptin, a crucial hormone for appetite regulation, conveys feelings of satiety to the brain. However, resistance to its effects can disrupt this signal, causing hormonal imbalance and persistent feelings of hunger. The frequency of hunger also depends on the types of foods you consume, their impact on blood sugar, and the rate at which your body metabolises them.

The Role of Leptin and Ghrelin in Hunger

Leptin, often called the “satiety hormone” or the “starvation hormone,” is crucial in appetite and energy regulation. Produced by your body’s fat cells, leptin travels through the bloodstream to the hypothalamus, the brain’s control centre for eating patterns. High leptin levels signify ample fat stores, prompting the hypothalamus to suppress appetite. It creates a sense of fullness and diminishes the urge to eat.

Ghrelin, also known as the “hunger hormone” or Lenomorelin, is produced in the gut and primarily functions to stimulate appetite. It encourages increased food consumption, calorie intake, and fat storage. Higher ghrelin levels result in increased hunger, while lower levels promote a feeling of fullness.

As you consume food and accumulate more body fat, leptin levels rise, signalling a sense of satiety. Conversely, during periods of fasting or reduced fat stores, leptin levels decrease, and ghrelin levels rise, indicating the need to eat and replenish energy reserves. This counteraction between leptin and ghrelin helps the body manage appetite and maintain energy balance.


Leptin and ghrelin work together for appetite regulation and energy balance. Leptin, produced by fat cells, signals fullness and satisfaction as body fat increases, promoting reduced appetite. Alternatively, ghrelin stimulates hunger before meals, signalling low energy reserves and the need to eat. This interplay helps the body maintain a balance between hunger and satiety, ensuring proper energy regulation.

Leptin Resistance and Hunger

Persistent hunger could be a result of leptin resistance, which is a hormonal imbalance. Leptin resistance interferes with the communication between fat cells and the brain. Usually, high leptin levels indicate to the brain that sufficient energy is stored, signalling a natural reduction in the urge to eat. However, in leptin resistance, the brain becomes less responsive or fails to recognise this signalling process. As a result, despite high leptin levels in the body, the brain may not acknowledge them, leading to ongoing feelings of hunger.

When your brain fails to receive the leptin signal, it interprets it as if your body is in a state of starvation despite having ample energy stored. In response, your brain may alter your eating behaviour to regain body fat, leading to increased hunger or a reduction in energy levels to burn fewer calories at rest.


Leptin resistance, a hormonal imbalance, disrupts communication between fat cells and the brain, affecting hunger signals. High leptin levels typically indicate sufficient energy storage, reducing the urge to eat. However, in resistance, the brain becomes less responsive, causing ongoing hunger despite high leptin levels. This lack of signalling may prompt altered eating behaviours, with the brain interpreting the body as starved, potentially increasing hunger.

Causes of Leptin Resistance

Leptin resistance and obesity are interconnected. When you are overweight, the more body fat you have, the higher your leptin levels go (hyperleptinemia). But having a lot of leptin can make your body less responsive to its signals, and that’s called leptin resistance. 

This lack of leptin sensitivity can lead to continued overeating, causing an accumulation of more body fat and contributing to obesity. While leptin resistance is a factor, it’s essential to understand that various factors, including genetics and lifestyle, also influence obesity.

Other causative factors of leptin resistance are:

  • Inflammation: Inflammatory signalling in your hypothalamus likely causes leptin resistance.
  • Free fatty acids: Higher free fatty acids concentration in the bloodstream interferes with leptin signalling by increasing fat metabolites in the brain.
  • High leptin levels: High leptin levels initially may affect its ability to cross your blood-brain barrier.


Leptin resistance and obesity go hand-in-hand. When overweight, higher body fat results in increased leptin levels (hyperleptinemia), leading to leptin resistance. This insensitivity contributes to persistent overeating, accumulating more body fat and fostering obesity. Factors like inflammation, elevated free fatty acids, and high leptin levels contribute to leptin resistance by disrupting signalling mechanisms.

Lifestyle Changes to Manage Leptin Resistance

While medication can assist in managing leptin resistance, here are certain lifestyle changes that can be beneficial:

Leptin Resistance Diet

To tackle leptin resistance:

  • Focus on an anti-inflammatory diet.
  • Opt for a balanced mix of fibre-rich foods, veggies, legumes, and quality proteins like wild fish and grass-fed meats.
  • Cut down on fried, processed foods and sugary drinks.
  • Switching to a gluten-free diet may help improve aspects of leptin resistance, like reducing waist circumference, balancing blood sugar, lowering inflammation, and decreasing triglyceride levels.
  • Some people can improve leptin sensitivity through practices like time-restricted eating, calorie restriction, or fasting. 
  • Fasting may help reduce inflammatory markers and reset leptin receptors, promoting weight loss. 

This kind of diet also promotes better weight management and improved overall health. HealthifyMe can tailor a personalised leptin-resistance diet that aligns with your needs. You can also track your progress with the app’s features, making it easier to stick to the diet plan. 

Improve Sleep Cycle

Lack of sufficient sleep, poor sleep habits, and disrupted circadian rhythms increase the risk of leptin resistance. Therefore, improving leptin sensitivity is possible by ensuring adequate sleep. 

To ensure sufficient sleep, establish a consistent bedtime before 10 pm and aim for 7-9 hours of quality rest. 

Regular Exercise

Consistent exercise plays a crucial role in reducing body fat, maintaining a healthy weight, and lowering leptin levels. By incorporating regular workouts into your routine, you enhance the body’s capacity to regulate appetite, decrease abdominal obesity, and optimise metabolic health. 

Prioritise a mix of cardiovascular and strength training exercises for maximum benefits. HealthifyMe’s app can assist you in designing a personalised exercise plan, ensuring you meet your fitness goals and promote better weight management.


Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) and Gymnema sylvestre are herbs that have the potential to regulate appetite by impacting leptin, glucose, and insulin levels. Incorporating these herbs into your diet, under guidance, may contribute to better appetite control and overall metabolic health. HealthifyMe’s nutrition experts can offer personalised advice on incorporating such herbs into your diet for holistic well-being.


While medication can be a valuable aid in managing leptin resistance, incorporating lifestyle changes is equally beneficial. Adopt an anti-inflammatory diet with fibre-rich foods, veggies, and lean proteins. Go gluten-free for better appetite control. Practice time-restricted eating and ensure 7-9 hours of quality sleep. Regular exercise helps manage weight and lower leptin levels. Consider herbs like Chinese cinnamon and Gymnema Sylvestre, guided by HealthifyMe’s experts. These simple adjustments can holistically improve your well-being.

10 Other Reasons Why You Are Always Hungry

If you can identify the source of your hunger, you can take steps to address it and feel more satisfied after a meal. Based on research, here are ten reasons for excessive hunger aside from leptin resistance.

You are Dehydrated

Dehydration can make you feel hungry when your body actually needs fluid. Water not only provides a sense of fullness but also aids in the absorption of nutrients from food. Additionally, the sensation of thirst can sometimes be confused with hunger. If you’re unsure whether you’re truly hungry or just thirsty, try drinking a full glass of water before reaching for a meal or snack.

You are Overeating Sugar or Refined Carbs

Consuming a diet rich in refined sugars, including food items like juice, candy, pastries, and flavoured yoghurts, as well as natural sources of sugar, can interrupt your hunger signalling. 

These foods, like carbohydrates, digest quickly, causing a rapid spike and subsequent drop in your blood sugar levels. This drop in blood sugar, usually an hour or two later, triggers feelings of hunger once again. Using HealthifyMe’s CGM to monitor sugar intake allows you to regulate blood sugar levels. HealthifyMe’s nutrition coaches will also guide you on making healthier alternatives.

Refined carbs, lacking quality and satiating fibre, are quickly digested by your body. It is a key factor behind frequent hunger when consuming a lot of refined carbs, as they don’t provide lasting feelings of fullness. Additionally, the consumption of refined carbs can result in rapid spikes in blood sugar.

You are Not Sleeping Enough

Adequate sleep plays a crucial role in controlling appetite by regulating ghrelin, the hormone that stimulates appetite. Insufficient sleep results in high ghrelin levels, contributing to increased hunger and a heightened desire for sugary, high-fat foods. To effectively manage hunger, aim for 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. Maintaining sufficient sleep also supports the maintenance of adequate leptin levels. 

You are Not Getting Enough Protein, Fat, or Fibre

A balanced diet, incorporating essential elements such as protein, fat, and fibre, plays a crucial role in promoting a sense of fullness. Mainly, foods rich in protein and fibre can prolong the feeling of satiety. If you consistently experience hunger, ensure that your meals and snacks consist of a well-rounded combination of protein, fat, and fibre.

While high-carbohydrate or processed foods may be tempting, they might not significantly curb hunger. Prioritising a mix of protein, fat, and fibre can be more effective in managing your appetite. HealthifyMe can assist you in developing a well-rounded approach to nutrition by offering personalised meal plans and expert guidance. This approach seamlessly incorporates nutritious foods into everyday dietary choices, helping you lead a healthier lifestyle.

You Eat While You Are Distracted

Eating while distracted can lead to increased appetite, higher calorie intake, and weight gain. The problem is, when you’re distracted, you don’t realise how much you’re eating. You miss your body’s signals that you are full, unlike when you are focused on your meal.

To avoid distracted eating, consider practising mindfulness, reducing screen time, and muting electronic devices. This approach enables you to sit down, savour your food, and better pick up on your body’s signals of fullness.

You are Stressed

Similar to insufficient sleep, high stress can disrupt your hormonal balance and impact your appetite. Initially, stress might suppress hunger in the short term. However, if left unmanaged for an extended period, it leads to a rise in cortisol levels. High cortisol levels intensify appetite, contributing to increased hunger.

You Have a Fast Metabolism

Metabolism and body responses vary for each individual. If your metabolism is faster, you may need to consume more to feel satisfied. While it may not be widespread, approximately 32% of people have high metabolisms. A rapid metabolism can result in burning an additional 100 to 400 calories daily, which often translates to a persistent feeling of hunger.

You Drink Your Calories

Liquid and solid foods impact your appetite differently. Consuming a lot of fluids like smoothies and soups may make you feel hungrier more often. Liquids pass through your stomach faster than solids, and studies suggest they may not suppress hunger hormones as effectively. Additionally, liquid foods take less time to consume, potentially leading to overeating. To manage hunger better, consider incorporating more solid, whole foods into your diet.

You Take Certain Medications

Certain medications, like steroids, anti-seizure drugs, mood stabilisers, antipsychotics, specific antidepressants, and oral contraceptives, can increase your appetite. Furthermore, certain diabetes medications, including insulin, insulin secretagogues, and thiazolidinediones, can increase hunger.

If you find that your medications are making you feel hungrier than usual, discuss your concerns with your doctor. They can help you find alternative options that may not have the same side effects, helping you better manage your appetite.

Hormonal Imbalance or Changes

An overactive thyroid gland, known as hyperthyroidism, is the most common hormonal cause of constant hunger. The primary contributor to hyperthyroidism is Grave’s disease, an immune disorder affecting the thyroid gland. Furthermore, persistent hunger can also result from hypoglycemia (chronically low blood sugar levels), as well as pre-diabetes and diabetes (elevated blood sugar levels). 

Higher testosterone levels, as seen in conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), may contribute to increased hunger. Pregnancy-related hormonal changes can also raise hunger levels. Alongside these hormonal shifts, women may experience a drop in serotonin levels during their menstrual cycle.

When you are feeling hungry all the time, primarily because of issues like leptin resistance, it helps to have someone on your side. That’s where HealthifyMe comes in. The nutrition experts at HealthifyMe can help you with meal plans and simple tips to manage your hunger in a healthy way. They understand how leptin works in your body to control hunger and how things can go off track when you are resistant to it. With HealthifyMe, you get advice tailored just for you. It helps you eat right to feel less hungry and also to tackle obesity from the root. It is like having a friend who knows all about food and health, guiding you towards a healthier lifestyle.


Dehydration, sugar overconsumption, inadequate sleep, and imbalances in protein, fat, and fibre intake can all contribute to high appetite. Distracted eating and stress can also disrupt eating patterns, while a fast metabolism or hormonal changes may lead to increased hunger. Monitoring sugar intake with HealthifyMe’s CGM and adopting mindful eating practices can aid in better appetite management. Additionally, consulting with healthcare professionals about medication effects and hormonal imbalances is crucial for personalised solutions.

HealthifyMe Suggestions

Adequate sleep is crucial for maintaining healthy leptin and ghrelin levels. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night, as recommended for most adults. Establish a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, including weekends. It can help regulate your body’s internal clock and improve your sleep quality. Create a Sleep-Inducing environment by making your bedroom conducive to sleep by keeping it cool, dark, and quiet. Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows, and consider using blackout curtains. Limit exposure to phones, tablets, and laptops before bed, try to avoid screens at least an hour before bedtime to help your body prepare for sleep. Manage stress with relaxation techniques and engage in regular, moderate exercise. Address any underlying health issues that may affect sleep. Improving sleep can help regulate leptin levels, supporting appetite control and overall metabolic health.

The Final Word

Persistent hunger may arise from various factors, including hormonal imbalances like leptin resistance. Additionally, lifestyle-related factors such as inadequate sleep, poor nutrient balance, distracted eating, stress, and medication effects can also influence appetite. Achieving a balance in hunger signals is possible by actively tracking your food intake and activity levels through HealthifyMe’s calorie, sleep, and hydration trackers.

To maintain a more balanced hunger, make adjustments to your diet and lifestyle, focusing on factors like the quantity, pace, and composition of your meals. A holistic approach, incorporating personalised meal plans and expert guidance, can help address these factors and promote better appetite management for overall well-being.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is just to disperse knowledge and raise awareness. It does not intend to replace medical advice from professionals. For further information, please contact our certified nutritionists Here.

Research Sources

1. Leptin, Obesity, and Leptin Resistance: Where Are We 25 Years Later?

2. The impact of sleep deprivation on food desire in the human brain

3. Eating attentively: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of food intake memory and awareness on eating

4. Variability in energy expenditure and its components

5. The Leptin System and Diet: A Mini Review of the Current Evidence

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Why do I feel hungry all the time?

A: Persistent hunger can arise from various factors. An insufficient diet, resistance to the satiety hormone leptin, and blood sugar fluctuations from certain foods can all play a role. Additionally, dehydration, disrupted appetite-regulating hormones due to poor sleep, stress, and underlying medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism or diabetes can contribute.

Q: What factors contribute to constant hunger?

A: Persistent hunger can be influenced by different factors. These may involve an insufficient diet, resistance to the satiety hormone leptin, and fluctuations in blood sugar caused by specific foods. Dehydration, disrupted sleep patterns affecting appetite-regulating hormones, chronic stress, and underlying medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism or diabetes can also contribute to ongoing excessive hunger.

Q: What causes leptin resistance?

A: Lack of physical activity, inadequate sleep, chronic stress, and certain medical conditions can contribute. Genetics also play a role, as some individuals may be more predisposed to developing leptin resistance. For instance, including mutations in genes responsible for leptin and its receptors. Additionally, disruptions in proteins involved in the self-regulation of leptin synthesis and blood-brain barrier permeability can contribute to this resistance.

Q: Can certain medical conditions cause constant hunger?

A: Conditions such as diabetes, anxiety disorder, hyperthyroidism, major depressive disorder, and certain hormonal imbalances may disrupt normal appetite regulation, leading to increased hunger. For example, an overactive thyroid leads to the excessive production of thyroid hormones, which have an appetite-stimulating effect.

Q: Does inadequate sleep play a role in feeling hungry frequently?

A: Inadequate sleep not only causes hunger by affecting hunger hormones but also induces cravings for sugary and high-fat foods. Insufficient sleep prompts increased ghrelin production, leading to heightened cravings for calories. It explains the experience of feeling hungry when sleep-deprived.



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