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HomeYogaYoga Mudras for Balancing Dosha (Vata, Pitta, & Kapha)

Yoga Mudras for Balancing Dosha (Vata, Pitta, & Kapha)

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Ayurveda explains that the human body is composed of five fundamental elements: fire, water, earth, space, and air. Together, these are referred to as Panch Tatva.

When these elements combine in pairs, they form the three doshas (biological energies) that govern our physical and mental processes:

The unique balance of these doshas within an individual determines their physical traits, emotional tendencies, and overall health. The most dominant dosha in your body shapes your unique characteristics. Maintaining harmony among these doshas is essential for good health.

In the following sections, we’ll explore what happens when your doshas become imbalanced and how practising specific mudras can help restore this balance

Using Yoga Mudras to Keep Dosha in Balance

Each of the three doshas plays a vital role in governing specific physiological and mental functions:

  • Pitta Dosha: Responsible for regulating hunger, thirst, digestion, and body temperature. It represents metabolism and transformation.
  • Vata Dosha: The principle of mobility, it governs all movement in the body, including mental activity, circulation, and physiological processes.
  • Kapha Dosha: Associated with stability, structure, and energy storage, it provides strength, substance, and is responsible for the growth and maintenance of bodily tissues.

The primary building block of each dosha is one or more of the Panch Tattva (five elements). Achieving a balance among these elements is key to maintaining balanced doshas, which in turn supports good health.

However, imbalances can occur when an element becomes excessive or deficient, disrupting the harmony of the doshas. This imbalance may manifest as physical, mental, or emotional discomfort.

From the perspective of the five elements, hand yoga mudras offer one of the simplest yet most effective ways to restore balance. Mudras work by influencing the flow of energy within the body and adjusting the levels of the elements, making them a practical tool for harmonising the doshas.


In this way, a combination of two fingers corresponds to each dosha as follows:

  • Vata = Air + Ether = Index finger + middle finger
  • Pitta = Fire + Water = Thumb + Little finger
  • kapha = Earth + Water = Ring finger + Little finger

When a dosha becomes imbalanced, specific hand yoga mudras can help restore harmony by manipulating these finger combinations:

  • Thumb tip + corresponding dosha fingertips = Balancing respective dosha
  • Thumb tip pressing against the base of a finger = Elevate the deficiency of respective element
  • Corresponding dosha finger pressing against the base of thumb = Diminish the excess of respective dosha

For each dosha imbalance, there are specific mudras that help restore harmony by regulating the corresponding elements. Let us explore them in detail:

1. Vata Dosha

People with the vata dosha have a thin body type. As the dosha element is made up of air and space, they are known to be creative, energetic, imaginative, enjoy meeting new people and generally think out of the box. They are flexible, kind, and tend to learn things quickly.

One of the unique characteristics of people with vata dosha is that their mood largely depends on the weather, food, and the people around them.

In case of excess vata dosha, you may experience roughness in your voice and thinness of the body. You will have a constant desire for heat along with a dark complexion, throbbing sensation, and have a hard stool. It will make you feel weak and have trouble having sleep. You may also feel some issues with digestion, gas problems, and an irregular appetite.

Mudra for Vata Dosha Deficiency

When your vata dosha is deficient or low, you will have bouts of unconsciousness, and uneasiness. You will weaken from the mind and body causing you to become forgetful or anxious and become sensitive to cold.

To counter the Vata dosha deficiency, Gyan mudra and Akash mudra is beneficial. These mudras balance the air and ether element deficiency by bringing these fingertips in contact with the thumb, which covers Vata dosha deficiency.

1. Gyan Mudra

gyan mudra for meditation

It is known as Vaayu Vardhak Mudra, which means this mudra will increase the air element in your body. To perform this mudra, place the tip of your thumb on the tip of your index finger while keeping the other fingers straight yet relaxed.

Gyan mudra is one of the most popular mudras for meditation as balanced Vata dosha stabilize our mental thoughts by reducing dullness of memory, drowsiness, and lethargy. Your nervous system will also be positively affected along with your vocal cords and heart. It also aids with meditation by improving your concentration and releasing any stress and anger.

This mudra will help in increasing the air element in your body thus is extremely beneficial for people with symptoms of deficient vata dosha. 

Precaution: People who have a high ratio of vata dosha should perform Gyan mudra in moderation.

2. Aakash Mudra

hand fingers in akash mudra
Image Source: Shutterstock

Akash mudra will help in increasing the space element in your body, therefore, covers the deficiency of Vata dosha.

By joining the tips of the middle finger and the thumb, you will be aiding in connecting with the divine. Your body will be detoxified of negative emotions such as fear, anger, hatred, sorrow, etc. along with mental detoxification, it also helps with eliminating metabolic toxins from the body. 

This mudra is also beneficial during meditation as it will stimulate your brain to have happy and positive thoughts. 

Precaution: Just like Gyan mudra, people with excess vata dosha should perform this mudra in moderation.

Mudra for Vata Dosha Excess

To curb the excess vata dosha, shunya mudra and Vayu mudra should be practised.

1. Shunya Mudra

shunya mudra in yoga mudras

Also known as Aakash Shaamak Mudra, it will decrease the space element of the body, making it beneficial for people having symptoms of excess Vata dosha.

To perform this mudra, place the tip of your middle finger at the base of the thumb and gently press the back of the finger with the thumb. This signifies curbing the space element with the fire element. 

If you’re having any problems with your ears, perform the shunya mudra for 30-45 minutes in a day to relieve ear pains, vertigo, tinnitus, etc. by reducing the space element, any numbness will be curbed and you will see a decrease in your thyroid. Ailments related to the heart will also decrease. 

Precaution: You should stop doing this mudra as soon as the target ailment or disease is cured since doing this mudra can cause excess reduction of the space element in the body.

2. Vayu Mudra

fingers of vayu mudra
Source: Shutterstock

Vayu Mudra is also called the Vayu Shamak Mudra which means that performing this mudra will decrease the air element of the body. You can perform this mudra by placing the tip of your index finger at the base of the thumb and gently pressing the back of the finger with the thumb.

Vayu mudra will calm your mind and make you less anxious. Moreover, your muscles, nervous system, and endocrine glands will also soothe with this mudra. Your voice will have less strain and your skin will be hydrated. You will have relief from any gastric or stomach problems and your immunity will also increase.

Precaution: Just like the shunya mudra, you should stop performing this mudra as soon as you find relief from the disease or ailment.

2. Pitta Dosha

Pitta dosha is made up of fire and water elements and is characterized by a medium built or muscular body type.

People with pitta dosha are motivationally driven people, who are goal-oriented and competitive. With natural leadership capabilities, they are quick learners and treat work and play with equal competitiveness. They can master any skill with ease and are inherently strong people. Their skin will redden easily and also possess good digestion with an appetite for food as well as challenges.

Mudra for Pitta Dosha Excess

Pitta dosha in excess makes a person desire something cool as there will be a burning sensation in your body. You will get bouts of unconsciousness along with feeling weak internally and will not get sufficient sleep. There will also be a yellowish coloration in your eyes, skin, and urine. You will sweat excessively due to enhanced body heat and have a body odor. Your stomach will create issues as you will be eating and drinking excessively, which may also cause diarrhea or constipation.

To help reduce the excessiveness of the pitta dosha, you can do the prana mudra and Varun mudra.

1. Prana Mudra

prana mudra for headache
Source: canva

Prana mudra is one of the most effective mudras to reduce symptoms of excessive pitta dosha. To perform this mudra, place the tip of the thumb on the tips of the ring finger and little finger. This mudra helps in increasing the water element in comparison to the fire element, therefore balance pitta dosha excess.

By a decrease in the fire element, any burning sensation or heat-related sensations, which are common symptoms of pitta dosha, will be reduced. You will also be spared from your foul odor due to excess sweat. Since you will get sufficient sleep, tension, anger, fatigue, forgetfulness, irritability, and other related feelings will get washed away. Your digestive problems and metabolic activities will also be cured.

Precautions: Do not perform prana mudra at night as it activates metabolic activities, which may hinder your sleep schedule. If you practice this mudra for a longer duration, it will immensely slow down your fire element and cause you to gain weight. Beginners should perform this mudra in moderation.

2. Varun Mudra

varun mudra for skin
Image Source: Canva

When you practice Varun mudra, the water element in your body will increase, which will be beneficial in countering heat sensitivity and excessive body heat problems due to pitta dosha. To practice this mudra, place the tip of your thumb on the tip of your little finger gently. 

You may lose water due to increased perspiration, which may cause dehydration. Varun mudra will help in increasing the water element and it will also aid in providing you sufficient moisturization for your skin. With sufficient water content, your body will be detoxified, which will improve the glow of your skin and bring back the luster in your eyes.

Precaution: People with water retention problems should either practice this mudra very moderately or not practice it at all. If you have a cold or cough, avoid doing this mudra as an increase in water element will cause your body to cool down, which is not beneficial for such illness.

3. Prithvi Mudra

prithivi mudra for hair growth
Image source: Canva

Prithvi mudra is also called the Agni Shaamak Mudra, as it decreases the fire element in the body. You can practice this mudra by placing the tip of your thumb on the tip of your ring finger gently.

When you start practicing this mudra, you will feel energetic and your stamina and endurance will also be enhanced. Any ailments caused by the excess fire element in the body such as ulcers, gas problems, inflammation, or fever can be cured by this mudra. It also aids in the healthy glow of the skin.

Precautions: As this mudra requires immense concentration, make sure to find a space with zero disturbances. Avoid practicing the mudra near any gadgets such as radio, TV, mobile, tablets, etc for increased concentration and focus.

Mudra for Pitta Dosha Deficiency

surya mudra for weight loss
Source: canva

A deficiency of pitta dosha will lead to a reduction in body heat making you sensitive to cold and dullness of complexion. You will face a loss of appetite and your overall body temperature will fall.

For pitta dosha deficiency, do Surya mudra.

Surya Mudra as the name depicts, this mudra is related to increasing the fire element in your body so overcome the deficiency of pitta dosha. To perform this mudra, place the tip of your ring finger at the base of the thumb and gently press the back of the finger with the thumb. 

By letting the fire rage unopposed, it will tackle the problem of having low body temperature and cold sensitivity. Your appetite will be back and it will balance your metabolic activities. 

Precaution: If you’re suffering from fever, avoid practising Surya mudra as excess heat may make your fever worse. During summers, perform this mudra in an open space so that heat accumulation can be avoided. Also, make sure to drink water before you start performing this mudra as it may cause dehydration.

3. Kapha Dosha

The main elements of this dosha are water and earth and the people of this dosha are characterized by a heavy body type. They are innately strong, stable, compassionate, and kind people. The water and earth elements in their body make them strong and act as a support system for others. 

Such people are very systematic as they prefer a regular routine in their life and perform things step-by-step. People of the kapha dosha tend to thrive when exposed to new environments and people. They are kind, wise, caring, empathetic, trustworthy, calm, and happy persons who are also very romantic.

Mudra for Kapha dosha excess

If your Kapha dosha is in excess, you may feel heaviness in your limbs and have stiff joints. You will feel nauseous due to the feeling of fullness in your stomach, which may also lead to an aversion to food, vomiting, and impaired digestion. 

Excessive sleeping, whiteness of complexion, the feeling of coldness, drowsiness, are some other common symptoms of Kapha dosha imbalance. Diseases like asthma are also prevalent along with contracting cough and cold, obesity, itching, oily skin, and swelling are also very common.

The following mudras should be practiced in case of excess kapha dosha.

1. Surya Mudra

surya mudra for weight loss
Source: canva

As surya mudra decreases the earth element in the body, it is one of the most recommended mudras for excess Kapha dosha. Perform this mudra by placing the tip of your ring finger at the base of the thumb and gently pressing the back of the finger with the thumb.

Surya mudra is great for weight loss by stimulating the fire element in the body and curing indigestion and sleep-related issues. It also helps in detoxification of the body, which also aids in weight loss. By stimulating the digestive system, your thyroid issues will also get resolved.

With an increased body temperature, you will also not contract cough and cold frequently. Feelings of coldness, indigestion, reduced cholesterol, swelling are all cured by this mudra. 

Precaution: If you’re suffering from fever, avoid practicing this mudra as excess heat may make your fever worse. During summers, perform this mudra in an open space so that heat accumulation can be avoided. Also, make sure to drink water before you start performing this mudra as it may cause dehydration.

2. Varun Mudra

varun mudra for skin
Image Source: Canva

Varun Mudra increases the water element of the body and to practice this mudra, place the tip of your thumb on the tip of your little finger gently. 

This mudra is best for Issues of itchiness on skin or eyes. It helps in reducing cholesterol and promotes glowing skin. Feelings of internal burning will also reduce as it decreases the fire element in the body. If you have a fever, this mudra is beneficial as the increased water element will help in cooling down your temperature. 

Precaution: People with water retention problems should either practice this mudra very moderately or not practice it at all. If you have a cold or cough, avoid doing this mudra as an increase in water element will cause your body to cool down, which is not beneficial for such illness.

3. Kapha Nashak Mudra

You can perform this mudra by placing the tips of the ring and little finger at the base of the thumb and gently pressing the thumb on those fingers. This is also called the Pitta Kaarak Mudra as it increases the pitta dosha.

With this mudra, you can get relief from issues of oily skin, indigestion, obesity, cold and cough, coldness of the skin, or any diseases that are caused due to excess kapha dosha.

Precaution: People with excess pitta dosha or deficient dosha should perform this mudra in moderation.

4. Jal Shaamak Mudra

To perform this mudra, place the tips of the ring finger at the base of the thumb and gently press the thumb on it. It reduces the water element of the body by increasing the fire element and is one of the ideal mudras for countering water retention issues. It is also effective in curing clammy or cold skin and heaviness or stiffness in joints. 

Precaution: People with an increased fire element in their body should avoid doing this mudra or do it in moderation.

Mudra for Kapha dosha deficiency

A deficient kapha dosha will give you a sensation of dryness or internal burning and thirst. You may get feelings of emptiness in the stomach, heart, and chest. Brittleness of the joints, weakness, lack of sleep, dizziness, are other symptoms of the deficiency.

For countering the deficiency, do prithvi mudra. You can practice this mudra by placing the tip of your thumb on the tip of your ring finger gently. If you see a decrease in your body weight, this mudra is the best for you as it enhances the earth element.

The imbalances caused by kapha deficiency such as weakness, dizziness, brittle joints, increased thirst, burning sensations, insomnia, etc can easily be cured by this mudra as it reduces the fire element in your body.

Precaution: People suffering from obesity should avoid Prithvi mudra as it may lead to weight gain. As this mudra requires immense concentration, make sure to find a space with zero disturbances. Avoid practicing the mudra near any gadgets such as radio, TV, mobile, tablets, etc for increased concentration and focus. 

Mudra for Balancing 3 Dosha

Samana mudra for tri-dohsa. Source: Shutterstock

Samana mudra balances all three doshas altogether.

You can perform this mudra by placing the tip of your thumb on all the tips of the fingers making all your fingers touch together at the tips.

This mudra is known to balance the energies of the three doshas or tri-doshas with its healing abilities. It will strengthen your body from the inside out hence this mudra can also be performed in conjunction with the other mudras.


Practising yoga mudras can be an effective tool to rejuvenate your body by harmonizing your doshas. As mudras can be performed anywhere, you just need to take out 30-45 minutes of your time to perform these simple yet effective mudras, be it in parts or at a stretch.

Even if you hold mudras for 5 minutes for 15 minutes a day, you are bound to reap the benefits of mudras.

With dedication and patience, you will surely see their effects and feel the flow of energy in your body. Have faith in Ayurveda and take the path of a fulfilling and blissful journey!



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