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HomeYogaYoga Mudras for Weight Loss and Cut Belly Fat – Fitsri Yoga

Yoga Mudras for Weight Loss and Cut Belly Fat – Fitsri Yoga

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yoga mudras for weight loss
Source: canva

Yoga is not just a path to physical fitness but also a holistic practice that nurtures mental and spiritual well-being, helping you unlock the best version of yourself.

Among yoga’s many techniques, specific hand gestures, known as mudras, play a unique role in promoting weight loss. These simple yet powerful gestures, when practised regularly, can help reduce belly fat, boost metabolism, and support a healthy lifestyle.

Mudra, which literally means ‘seal’ or symbolic hand gesture, has deep roots in yoga and Hindu traditions. These gestures are commonly practised during yoga asanas, meditation, and pranayama, and even depicted in the sculptures of gods and goddesses. Most mudras belong to the hasta mudra category, involving specific formations of the fingers.

Each finger of the hand represents the 5 elements our body is made of. The formation of the hand gesture in mudra practice affects the flow of the element in the body and redirects the prana in nadis as well. They help in changing our mood, stimulate the sense organs, increase circulation, improve brain activity, and contribute to overall good physical and mental health.

A yoga mudra along with your meditative practice can help in weight loss by improving metabolism, promoting detoxification, improving your eating habits, and encouraging a healthy mind.

In this article, we’ll explore the most effective yoga mudras for weight loss, how they work, and how you can practice them to achieve your fitness goals.

Benefits of yoga mudra for weight loss

Yoga Mudras are based on the Ayurvedic principle of five elements that make up the human body –  Jal (Water), Prithvi (Earth), Akash (Space), Vayu (Air), and Agni (Fire). When these elements are out of balance, the body is vulnerable to illness. Mudras aid in the re-establishment of this equilibrium.

Practicing mudras are a convenient kind of exercise because it can be performed anywhere and does not require specific expertise.

If you want to lose weight, you’ll need to use yoga mudras to stimulate the organs that control your appetite, digestion, and metabolism. When these three variables are triggered, you will begin to lose weight.

Different combinations of joined fingertips are used in these hand mudras to convey unique energies from the fingers into the body. The rerouting of these energies encourages specific organs and nerves to produce new energies that aid weight loss.

Mudras work in different ways for different people. In the case of weight loss, you may not see the effects immediately. If practiced diligently for 3-4 weeks, you may start seeing the effects. It is said that typically, it takes approx. 6-8 weeks for a mudra to show significant effects on the body.

Each mudra should be practiced for at least 30 minutes when you’re expecting weight loss. 

When a mudra is practiced with determination, measurable benefits are quickly visible. Practicing mudra will :

  • Encourages the circulation of subtle energy throughout the body, which is beneficial to your overall health and well-being.
  • Increases energy and concentration.
  • Boosts the immune system.
  • It helps in inducing quality sleep 
  • Aid in reducing symptoms of asthma
  • Mental tension, anger, restlessness, and irritation are all relieved.
  • Enhance a person’s awareness and mindfulness.
  • It aids in the processing of intense feelings such as rage, jealousy, and grief.
  • Assist in altering a person’s mood, perspective, and attitude.

Yoga Mudras for weight loss

The mudras listed below are popularly used for weight loss. These mudras target the fire element and related elements in the body, which play a crucial role in balancing metabolism and aiding weight loss.

  1. Surya Mudra
  2. Kapha-nashak Mudra
  3. Apana Mudra
  4. Linga Mudra
  5. Rudra Mudra
  6. Varun Mudra

Surya Mudra

surya mudra for weight loss
Source: canva

Surya represents the sun and is associated with heat. Surya mudra regulates the Agni (fire) element in the body while lowering the Prithvi (earth) element. The earth element brings heaviness to the body thus lowering it helps to reduce weight and obesity. 

As per Ayurveda, the Pitta dosha is related to the fire element and Kapha dosha is associated with the earth element. In Surya mudra, both Kapha and pitta are stimulated which are responsible for weight loss. The fire element improves the release of fiery energy in your body, boosting your metabolism and digestive system and increasing your vitality. Reducing the earth element will help in reduced fat accumulation.

This mudra will also encourage sweating, which in turn can help in detoxification and burning of fat.

How to do it

  • Sit in a comfortable meditative pose with your back straight.
  • Put the thumb on top of the second phalanx of ring finger. The tip of the ring finger will come at the base of the thumb.
  • Place your hands on the knees or thighs and close your eyes.
  • The rest of the fingers should remain stretched straight yet relaxed.

Ideal time and duration

The best time to practice Surya mudra for weight loss is early in the morning to gain energy for the entire day. You can practice this mudra for 45 minutes at a stretch. Or if you do not have time, practice it for 15 minutes 3 times a day.

It’s not recommended to do Surya mudra in the afternoon hours, especially in summer when the surrounding temperature is high. Because practising this mudra for a long duration may increase internal body temperature which may dehydrate your body.


Since the mudra increases the fire element, people with a high pitta should either avoid this mudra or do it in moderation. Even people with extremely low Kapha should be practice this mudra with caution as it tends to decrease the earth element.

Kapha Naashak/Pitta-Kaarak Mudra

kidney mudra

It’s also known as kidney mudra. While the Surya mudra works on increasing one component of the pitta dosha, which is fire, the Pitta-Kaarak mudra works on enhancing the pitta dosha as a whole. It is also called the Kapha Nashak mudra as it reduces the Kapha dosha.

An increase in kapha dosha is one of the main reasons for weight gain which can be countered by increasing the pitta dosha. An increase in pitta dosha improves digestion and metabolism by generating inner heat.

How to do it

  • Sit in a comfortable meditative pose with your back straight.
  • Put the thumb on top of the little and ring finger. The tip of both fingers will be as close as possible to the base of the thumb.
  • Place your hands on the knees or thighs and close your eyes.
  • The rest of the fingers should remain stretched straight and relaxed.

Ideal time and duration

The best time to practice the mudra is early in the morning or during any time in your meditation. You can practice this mudra for 45 minutes at a stretch. Or if you do not have time, practice it for 15 minutes 3 times a day.


Since the mudra increases the fire element, people with a high pitta should either avoid this mudra or do it in moderation. Even people with extremely low Kapha should be practice this mudra with caution as it tends to decrease the earth element.

Apana Mudra

apana mudra in yoga mudras

The Apana Mudra promotes the flow of Apana Vayu in the lower parts of the body. The Apana Vayu is a downward flowing vayu that encourages the process of elimination. This mudra improves the functions of the organs located in the lower abdomen.

A healthy elimination or excretion process is a key factor in weight loss and that is what Apana mudra is known for. It will aid in maintaining intestinal health which will help in proper digestion. Through the elimination process, the detoxification of the body is also carried out, which can help in reducing the accumulation of fat. 

How to do it

  • Sit in a comfortable meditative pose with your back straight.
  • Join the tips of the thumb with the tip of the middle and index finger. 
  • Place your hands on the knees or thighs and close your eyes.
  • The rest of the fingers should remain stretched straight and relaxed.

Ideal time and duration

The best time to practice the mudra is early in the morning on empty stomach. You can practice this mudra for 45 minutes at a stretch or for 15 minutes 3 times a day.


  • Pregnant women should not be practicing this mudra in the first 8 months as it may enhance the downward flow which may be dangerous.
  • Do not practice immediately after a meal. Give a gap of 2-3 hours before practicing the mudra.
  • If you are suffering from diarrhea, do not practice the mudra as it may aggravate the symptoms.
  • It decreases the pitta dosha, which may reduce the digestive fire, hence should be performed in moderation.

Linga Mudra

linga mudra in yoga mudras
Source: fitsri

This mudra is also known as Mudra of Heat since it is extremely beneficial in increasing internal heat.

The practice of Linga mudra activates the body’s internal fire, which produces energy that can invigorate the organs. To balance out any stomach issues, the digestive system is engaged and energy flows through it. The Linga mudra improves the body’s metabolism, which aids in weight loss.

It also helps in reducing accumulated fat and unwanted calories through detoxification.

How to do it

  • Sit in a comfortable meditative pose with your back straight.
  • Intertwine your fingers and straighten the left-hand thumb. Encircle this thumb with the right hand’s index finger and the thumb at the left hand’s thumb base.
  • Place your hands on your lap and close your eyes.
  • After a few minutes, you practice this mudra with the right hand’s thumb.

Ideal time and duration

The best time to practice the mudra is early in the morning. You can practice this mudra for 45 minutes at a stretch. Or practice it for 15 minutes 3 times a day.


  • Before practicing this mudra, hydrate yourself with water, juice, milk, buttermilk, etc as this mudra is extremely potent in increasing inner heat.
  • If you are a patient with high blood pressure, avoid practicing this mudra.
  • During the summer season, practice this mudra in moderation.
  • If you are suffering from fever, acidity, or any other stomach problems, avoid this mudra till you have significantly recovered.

Rudra Mudra

rudra mudra for weight loss
Source: canva

It increases pitta dosha by balancing the earth and air elements. These adjustments help to keep the body warm and boost metabolism, both of which are helpful for weight loss.

This mudra also boosts the body’s fire element. Rudra Mudra’s fire element improves digestion and aids in cholesterol reduction. It has an energizing effect and also improves your eating habit.

How to do it

  • Sit in a comfortable meditative pose with your back straight.
  • Join the tips of the thumb with the tip of the index and ring finger.
  • Place your hands on your lap, palms up, and close your eyes.
  • The rest of the fingers should remain stretched straight and relaxed.

Ideal time and duration

The best time to practice the mudra is early in the morning. You can practice this mudra for 45 minutes at a stretch. Or practice it for 15 minutes 3 times a day.


  • Do not practice immediately after a meal. Give a gap of 2-3 hours before practicing the mudra.
  • If you are a patient with high blood pressure, avoid practicing this mudra.
  • This mudra should be used cautiously if you have an excess of Kapha dosha.

Varun Mudra

varun mudra for skin
Image Source: Canva

The body benefits from the cooling and activity provided by the water element. The metabolism is slowed by a lack of water element or dehydration since the fire element is influenced indirectly. Varun Mudra works as a trigger for the fire element, as well as balancing the water element within the body. 

Varun mudra helps to relieve digestive problems such as indigestion and constipation.

How to do it

  • Sit in a comfortable meditative pose with your back straight.
  • Join the tips of the thumb with the tip of the little finger.
  • Place your hands on your lap, palms up, and close your eyes.
  • The rest of the fingers should remain stretched straight and relaxed.

Ideal time and duration

The best time to practice the mudra is early in the morning. You can practice this mudra for 45 minutes at a stretch. Or practice it for 15 minutes 3 times a day.


  • People who suffer from water retention or swelling should avoid this mudra.
  • If you are experiencing cough or cold, avoid the mudra till you have recovered. 
  • Do not practice immediately after a meal. Give a gap of 2-3 hours before practicing the mudra.
  • People with a high pitta and kapha constitution should practice the mudra in moderation.

How to use yoga mudras for weight loss

Yoga mudras for weight loss can be practiced by everyone. However, for many finding time is the most difficult element. Begin with something manageable, such as 10 minutes every day or every other day.

Using multiple mudras can comprise a combination of different asanas, pranayama, visualization, and breathing methods at times, and it can also just be a basic practice of hand postures at other times. As long as your body is relaxed and balanced, you can practice mudra in any position.

If you wish to execute a mudra while lying down, make sure your back is in the most comfortable position possible. For extra comfort and to relieve any strain, place a pillow under your head.

Keep your legs shoulder-width apart when performing mudra in a standing position. Your knees should be relaxed, and your feet should be planted firmly on the ground, toes pointed forward.

Walking should be done in a rhythmic but relaxed manner.

During yoga sessions, access these mudras when performing an asana which gives you the liberty of using your hands in any way you want, which will mostly be in seated poses. Also, during pranayama, you can many such mudras to complement the breath movement and stimulate the energy channels.

You can practice them whenever and wherever you choose. You must, however, ensure that you have the ability to self-reflect and disengage. And in order to not negatively impact the energy flow throughout your body, your mood should be peaceful and pleasant.


Every mudra generates a specific interaction with the body, mind, and prana and has a distinct effect on them. When combined with meditation and breathing techniques, yoga mudra practices can help us live a joyful, pain-free life. It’s never too late to begin practicing yoga, which is why you should begin with a few of these yoga mudras, which are really beneficial.



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